The Best Thing Italians Do After Pizza
One of My Favorite Movies of All Time
IMDB Score: 8.5/10
Letterboxd Score: 4.3/5
My Score: 5/5
Best Foreign Language Film Oscar Winner-1990
Hi cinema lovers, first of all, I am so glad to be finally back. After a rough exam and school period, I finally had time to continue my cinema blog. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading my review :)
There may be some minor spoilers in this blog. So if you haven’t watched the movie yet, please watch the movie first and then come back to read.
Briefly, Cinema Paradiso is a movie that successfully describes the times when cinema was more than a place to watch movies. In the movie, we saw people were going to the cinema not only to watch the latest movies, but also they were going to the cinema in order to meet new people, and socialize with each other. Instead of watching movies from a judgemental perspective, they were watching movies just in order to have some fun.
In Cinema Paradiso, we’re watching a friendship of a small kid(Toto) and a local cinema conductor’s(Alfredo) warm friendship. Even though Toto is just a small kid at the beginning of the movie, he is a big fan of cinema. Regardless of how many times he saw the movies, he always goes to the Cinema Paradiso(name of the cinema)and watches the same movies over and over again. Although Alfredo loves Toto, he wants Toto to listen to his mom and don’t come to the cinema too often, due to the cinema is expensive and both Alfredo and Toto’s mom wants Toto to focus on his education rather than watching movies. Even though there are numerous things to talk about in the storyline of the movie, I really don’t want to spoil more things and want you to experience the movie just on your own.
As I mentioned before, Cinema Paradiso is a warm movie. When this warm environment of the movie fuses with the scores of Ennio Morricone, we obtain a beautiful emotional movie. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is not totally based on making you feel emotional or tear your eyes. However, I couldn’t hold my tears in some scenes.
This movie is more than about being a movie with a cinema theme. The movie also describes the changes and developments that come along with life. From the beginning of the movie, we observe Toto from his childhood to his adulthood thereby we’re also observing the changes in Toto’s life. Since the movie is so good at giving a nostalgic feeling, as the movie progresses, we eventually miss the childhood times of Toto, as we also missed our childhood times…
If you really want someone to understand what really cinema is or if someone asks you why you love cinema, just have them watch Cinema Paradiso. Believe me, it would be more than sufficient…
I know this was kind of a short blog and believe me there were uncountable things to talk about Cinema Paradiso. However, I watched the movie about a month ago, and due to I couldn’t find time to write a review about it, now it is hard for me to mention everything in the movie. Nevertheless, if you are a cinema lover or want to understand the golden age of cinema, Cinema Paradiso is the movie for you.
Hope you enjoyed reading my blog. If you liked it, please feel free to hit the clap button. Moreover, I really want to hear your opinions about the movie and blog, so feel free to write a review :).
Hope to see you in my future blogs, take care…