5 Reasons Why La La Land(2016) is My Favorite Movie…

Ege Buyruk
5 min readMay 18, 2022


Letterboxd: 3.9/5

IMDB: 8/10

My Score: 5/5

Holding 6 Academy Awards.

Hey cinema lovers, I hope you are all okay and having a great day. Today I want to talk about a Damien Chazelle movie, La La Land. As a person who used to hate musical movies, if you have told me a musical movie will become my favorite movie, I would probably say you are nuts and wouldn’t take you seriously. However, miracles are real and they are happening guys, for real. Now, without a doubt, La La Land is my favorite movie and it is like an addiction for me. Even though I have watched La La Land about 5 months ago, I am still listening to its songs and watching it at least once a month.

When we are choosing movies to watch, we generally choose movies from our favorite genres and do not give chance to less popular genres or genres we loveless. However, regardless of whether you love musicals or not, watch La La Land, if you haven’t watched it yet. Even if you don’t love musicals, I 99 percent guarantee you La La Land will help you to break your prejudice against the musicals.

Anyway, I think it is enough from lauding La La Land. It is time to explain why La La Land is my favorite movie.

1)Extremely Successful at Processing Love

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in La La Land

Although we frequently see movies with love themes, La La Land is the most successful movie that processes love. By using extremely beautiful and suitable dance scenes and using well-composed Justin Hurwitz scores, La La Land magnificently captures the excitement and butterflies that one feels when falling in love.


JK Simmons and Ryan Gosling in La La Land

Damien Chazelle is a pure genius and the casting of La La Land was flawless. Maybe you are wondering why I think Damien Chazelle is a genius and here is the reason: imagine you are going to make a musical movie that contains incredible dance scenes and countless singing scenes, what type of actors and actresses would you choose for the movie? The answer is simple, the selected actors must be good at dancing and singing. However, when we look at Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, they both never danced or sang in a movie before. Although both stars were inexperienced in musical movies, it wasn’t a problem for Damien Chazelle. Besides Damien Chazelle encouraging Emma and Ryan to dance, both stars did so many things to act better in the movie. For instance, Ryan Gosling learned to play piano after 6 months of hard work, just for this movie.

Left to right, Emma Stone, John Legend, and Ryan Gosling in La La Land

Besides starring actors and actresses, JK Simmons and John Legend did a successful job in the movie. Although JK Simmons was already a legendary actor, it was incredible for me to see such good acting from John Legend, who is not an actor. If I didn’t know who is John Legend, I definitely wouldn’t notice John Legend is not a real actor.

3)Los Angeles

In times when most of the movies are taken in studios, La La Land courageously brokes this chain and we are seeing beautiful Los Angeles images. Most of the scenes are taken at dawn and sunset in order to prevent disruptions and obtain the most suitable lighting for the scenes. No need to mention that the lightings in La La Land are literally flawless.

Furthermore, Los Angeles is a perfect choice for a movie which’s theme is realizing dreams, love, acting, and jazz.


La La Land is my milestone in cinematography. Before La La Land, I used to not give enough attention to cinematography. However, after watching La La Land numerous times, I noticed incredible details in the movie. Everything has different meanings. From jazz to colors, everything needs to be detailly discussed due to they all have hidden meanings. I will definitely make a separate blog for the cinematography of La La Land soon.

5)Justin Hurwitz(Composer of La La Land)

Left to right, Damien Chazelle and Justin Hurwitz.

I know many of you have already watched countless great musical movies which have beautiful scores, however, I promise you La La Land contains one of the most beautiful scores you can hear from a musical movie. After Whiplash, another Damien Chazelle movie, Justin Hurwitz once again proved that he is one of the most talented composers of our time. Even after 5 months, I still love to listen to La La Land scores. My favorites are Another Day of Sun, Someone in the Crowd, and Engagement Party. If you haven’t watched La La Land yet, please do not listen to those songs. Believe me, it would be better for you to hear those songs in the movie for the first time.

By far, this blog was one of the hardest blogs to write for me. Believe me, it is harder to write for movies that you love than movies you didn’t like. That’s why I procrastinated to write this review for months. I am glad that I finally wrote it.

I hope I could explain why I loved La La Land so much in this blog. As I promised above, I’ll definitely write a blog just for La La Land’s cinematography.

I hope you all enjoyed my review of La La Land. I really want to hear your thoughts about the movie and blog so please feel free to write a comment. And, if you love my reviews and blogs, don’t forget to follow me and press the clap button :).

Hope to see you in my future blogs. Take care…

A scene from La La Land



Ege Buyruk
Ege Buyruk

Written by Ege Buyruk

Sharing my thoughts about cinema and books. Follow me on Instagram: @egebuyruk Letterboxd:https://letterboxd.com/egebuyruk/

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